By Cara Neely
May 23, 2024
Happy Birthday to me. This is a milestone birthday with a number that surprises me. How did I get here and where did the time go? To celebrate this big day, allow me to wear a crown and regal you with a story.
A couple of weeks ago, a customer came into the shop to pick up her order. At first, I couldn’t find it and was in a bit of a panic. I figured out that one of the Show Me Logos team members moved it from the shelf to the table. Great… T-shirt emergency resolved. I gave this customer her order with apologies and a smile on my face. Fast forward 3 days later and this fellow female business owner takes the time to give my business a negative review spelling out how I did not make her feel special when I picked up her order. When I saw that review, my heart sank. I played that situation repeatedly in my mind and still did not come up with why I deserved this negative review. During this pity party, I got a random call from Eddie.
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