Happy Birthday to me. This is a milestone birthday with a number that surprises me. How did I get here and where did the time go? To celebrate this big day, allow me to wear a crown and regal you with a story.
A couple of weeks ago, a customer came into the shop to pick up her order. At first, I couldn’t find it and was in a bit of a panic. I figured out that one of the Show Me Logos team members moved it from the shelf to the table. Great… T-shirt emergency resolved. I gave this customer her order with apologies and a smile on my face. Fast forward 3 days later and this fellow female business owner takes the time to give my business a negative review spelling out how I did not make her feel special when I picked up her order. When I saw that review, my heart sank. I played that situation repeatedly in my mind and still did not come up with why I deserved this negative review. During this pity party, I got a random call from Eddie.
Eddie is a customer that I met around 10 years ago. He is a weightlifter, a former custodian at Liberty High School, and a man of faith. He loves to call and create a different title for me. My title changes with each call. On this particular day, my “Eddie” title was President of T-shirts. He asked if the President of T-shirts was available without identifying himself, and then pretended he was surprised when I replied, “Eddie how are you?” I of course recognize his voice, but this is our routine. Eddie didn’t have anything specific to say, he only felt the need to call and check on me.
And here is what I know … God cares so much for me that he sent Eddie to lift my spirits. Psalm 37:23 is one of my favorite verses and reminds me that he delights in every detail of my life.
Today I wear a crown, not only because I am the birthday queen, but also because I am a Child of the King. Galatians 4: 6 – 7 says we are heirs to the kingdom. Sometimes the world tries to take my crown, but I need to remember that no one holds that power.
Thank you to all the “Eddie’s” I have met through Show Me Logos over the years. Your support, kindness, and friendship have been the highlight of running this business. Here is to celebrating many more birthdays with you!
Cara Neely
President of T-shirts
P.S. Reply on social media with a guess of where this crown came from or if you know Eddie. We will hold a drawing to give away a $60 Show Me Logos gift card. (this has Nothing to do with my age!)
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